Journaling can help you become a better leader. Yes, we think so, and science has much evidence.

In 2007, Burke and Mattis found that journaling can improve perceptions of leadership abilities and job satisfaction among participants and that these improvements were maintained even several weeks after the intervention. Many other studies found that journaling can be an effective tool for developing self-awareness, reflection, and goal-setting skills. Participants in these studies reported increased confidence in their leadership abilities and more significant personal and professional growth.

Here is the list of all the benefits of leadership journaling:

Reflection and self-awareness
Journaling helps you reflect on your thoughts, experiences, and emotions. This process enables you to become more self-aware, a critical component of effective leadership. When you understand your strengths and weaknesses, you can make more informed decisions, communicate more effectively, and lead more confidently.

Goal setting and tracking
Journaling can also help you set and track your goals. Writing down your goals makes them more tangible and enables you to prioritize and focus your efforts. When writing down your progress and achievements helps you stay motivated and accountable. As a leader, having clear goals and tracking your progress can help motivate and inspire your team.

Creative problem solving
Writing down ideas and brainstorming in a journal allows you to organize your thoughts, explore new solutions, and improve creative problem-solving. By thinking through issues and developing new ideas, you can create a more creative and innovative approach to leadership.

Emotional regulation
Leading people can be stressful, and managing your emotions is essential. Journaling can help you process and regulate your emotions. By writing down your thoughts and feelings, you can better understand what triggers certain emotions and how to manage them. This emotional regulation can help you communicate more effectively, make better decisions, and lead with more empathy.

Continuous improvement
Finally, journaling can help you continually improve as a leader. By reflecting on your experiences, setting goals, and tracking your progress, you can identify areas for growth and development. When you regularly journal, you can see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve learned. This growth mindset can help you lead with humility and a willingness to learn and improve.

If you feel like picking up a pen and starting journaling today, click here to learn more about our hybrid journaling session for leaders.